3 Needed

Hello friend,

Hope all is well in your corner of the world!

Can you help me find who I am looking for? 

I’m searching for three people who meet a specific criteria, and I thought you might know someone who:

  • fits the descriptions below, 

  • is interested in a complimentary (one hour) energy session, and 

  • is willing to share feedback regarding their experience (even if anonymously).

If so, please have them reach out to me using the button below, and identify that they would like to be considered for one of the 3 complimentary sessions.

I have already witnessed and experienced how powerful these sessions can be, but I would love your help in connecting with:

  1. a person who is actively trying to loose weight for health reasons and is not using Ozempic or other pharmaceutical weight loss products,

  2. an athlete who is trying to reach a particular goal but feels stuck in their progress, and 

  3. a writer, artist, or creative who is actively experiencing a block or feeling “stuck” in their creative projects.

Please note: Due to popularity of these sessions, submissions will be accepted through Saturday, June 1, 2024, and those chosen will receive an email from me by Monday, June 3.


The Belief Code

I’ve been keeping busy with sessions this month, as well as deepening my practice so that I can help clients:

  • engage in more productive self-discovery,

  • make more profound and positive shifts,

  • and do it in less time.

The Emotion Code and Body Code have been wildly popular in my practice for the lasting and meaningful shifts they offer, but what if we could go deeper?

What if we could get to the roots of things, and yank issues out at their origin?

Now, we can!

The Belief Code affords us the ability to uncover how energy patterns affect our lives, bodies, and trajectories.

In these sessions, we can identify the source of imbalance, remove it, and realign to energy patterns that support our growth, success, health, and happiness. 

We can open up the body to its natural state of healing.

Thank you so much for your help, and I hope you have a wonderful beginning to your summer season!

Please note:

Due to popularity of these sessions, submissions will be accepted through Saturday, June 1, 2024, and those chosen will receive an email from me by Monday, June 3.

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant.

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist; Emotion, Body, and Beief Code Certified.


Hey June!


Good to Grow