I invite you to

let go.

We hold a lot in.

Things build up over time.

There’s a reservoir of past energies under the surface.

Habits, patterns, old traumas, physical injuries, historical emotional experiences, and inherited energies can have a profound impact on the body.

They can create disturbances in the body’s energy field and can impede the body’s natural healing ability.

They can create subtle misalignments, imbalances, and blockages to wellness, creativity, and abundance.

They can even create walls around the heart.

When we let go, the body’s natural state is healing.

Energy release techniques, like the Emotion, Body, and Belief Code, are designed to remove imbalances and restore the body’s natural healing energy.

Letting go is the way to

break through.

Request your appointment and purchase your session below.



BREAKTHROUGH Session Options

  • One Session

  • Package of 3 Sessions


  • People enjoy these sessions for their versatility and potential.

    Clients have used them to help with:

    • emotions, patterns, habits, and loops

    • body imbalances such as sleep, pain, etc.

    • spiritual connection like enhancing intuition, abundance, and heartfelt introspection

  • 60 minutes.

    For a limited time, 30 minute sessions are also available.

  • Some clients feel energy, warmth, tingling, or other subtle body shifts during energy sessions. Some clients feel nothing at all.

  • Some people experience processing symptoms for 1-2 days post-session.

    There may be a decrease in energy for some, while others report feeling lighter and more energetic.

    It depends on how your body responds to the energy release.

  • Weaving Alchemy does not guarantee any specific results.

    I cannot predict the outcome for anyone using The Emotion Code®, The Body Code™, or The Belief Code™ for any specific issue or problem.

    Testimonials represent what some of my clients have reported experiencing.

    I cannot guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

    A person’s success depends on many factors, such as background, dedication, desire, motivation, etc.

  • No, and that’s why this work is so exciting. Working with energy is working beyond location.

    This process involves working with your subconscious energy to identify imbalances, misalignments, and historical experiences that are disrupting the body’s ability to fully heal.

    Sessions are done via phone.

  • Yes! Work with children is permitted ONLY with the permission of their legal guardian. The child does not need to attend the session, and does not need to know about energy clearing.

  • Yes!

    I have worked with dogs, birds, and horses. Animals have emotional experiences too, and pets often absorb our energy.

    I have been asked to work on trauma, thyroid, allergies, depression, and more for our furry and fluffy companions.

  • Most people require several days between sessions for the body to fully rejuvenate from the prior session.

    I generally recommend no more than one session weekly unless there are special circumstances.

  • I am certified in both the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code healing systems, and I have been Reiki attuned.

    Other certifications that I hold are:

    Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, Clinical Aromatherapist, and Yin Yoga.

Clients love these sessions for the

lasting, insightful shifts.

”She guides her sessions with so much kindness and grace, holding space for you to release and let go of whatever it is that's blocking you or holding you back.

She is so intuitive and knowledgable about the work she does and always knows exactly what to say.

You will leave a session with Jacquelyn feeling so refreshed, supported and inspired.

I have experienced both emotional and physical transformations after working with Jacquelyn.”


sweet talk



Since my sessions, the pain in the back of my left knee is completely gone and the pain in my right hip is much better. It is amazing how things showed up with correct dates from years past of things I needed to let go of. I felt calmer with a new kind of positive energy.


Every time I had a session, it helped bring a lot of clarity to what I had been feeling and speed up the processing of those emotions. Over the coming days after each session, I felt noticeably lighter, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Overall, these sessions gave me so much clarity and helped guide me on my journey of deep inner healing. They were exactly what I needed in the moment.


I loved knowing all these trapped emotions plus the many layers related to them were being cleared. I feel this allows for more clarity on my current life path. I’m no longer carrying all those extra emotions that add layers and depth to my healing. I immediately felt lighter, less pain and mentally clearer after my sessions.


My level of pain decreased almost immediately. Negative energy stored for many years - I’m working to release that.


Wow…. this was eye opening! I was surprised at the accuracy and the speed of the results. 
This is an excellent way to illuminate blocks that form physical, emotional, and biological changes.


Having this clearing and discussing it with you afterwards helped me have a better understanding of why certain thought patterns and emotional behaviors were recurring that were an impediment to my ability to live a fuller, more joyful life. 
I was even able to have a positive breakthrough in a relationship issue that was weighing heavy on me for years.


Shoulder and elbow pain were areas of focus. Shoulder and elbow pain are gone.


It’s hard to describe but I have had a calmness in some areas that I have worried about from my past. Also, because my daughter had sessions, we were able to clear up some issues from her past. That was good for both of us. Thankful! I don’t understand exactly how it works I just know it works.

E.S. (Pet Session):

The deep seated emotion in my heart, that I didn’t realize was there, was released and I had never felt lighter. 
This emotion was shared with my dog, and he too was lighter and happier after.

The experience put a bounce in my dog’s step. The body code actually gave my dog a voice and I understand him better than I did before. I had no idea the emotional bond that we share was so real!

If you are really trying to spiritually awaken, this is an excellent tool to use for shadow work. All of those traumas that you think you have let go of, forgiven, and learned from, still have a place in your body.

release = real ease


Releasing Trapped Emotions using The Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, or any other type of energy healing practiced, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care.

This is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional.

If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.

Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care.

Sessions are strictly confidential, and your personal information will never be shared.

I make no claims to healing or recovery from any illness.

No guarantee is made towards validity. Use this information at your own risk.