Navigating Uncertainty

2020 felt like a global shake-up, and everyone is wondering:

What does 2021 have to offer?

5 Ways to Navigate the Uncertainty of 2021:

Although uncertain might be an accurate way to describe this time, there are a few things you can do to regain more control.

1. Stay curious and open-minded. Curiosity is a salve for rigid thinking. Practice replacing fear with curiosity. It's a game-changer.

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2. Focus on your goals. If there are distractions on the external, national, or global stage, don't allow yourself to be carried away by (all of) them. Intentionally leaning into your own goals and dreams will help filter what needs your attention. Not everything brought to your attention needs your attention. If you'd like support with setting, reaching, or making goals - a coaching session might be helpful as you begin this new year.

3. Start a journal. Documenting changes in the world and how you feel about them creates a personal record of our actively-changing history. It's also a beautiful way to process thoughts and feelings and help keep your energy clear, and just imagine looking back at this time in a few years.

4. Nourish your nervous system. Stress and change can create havoc for the body’s nervous system. Breathwork, herbs, nutrition, healthy communication, and exercise can support the body and protect it from the damaging effects of stress. It’s an excellent time to get “picky” about what you give your energy to. Distractions are everywhere. Simply because it’s brought to your attention does not mean it truly requires your attention, so focus on the thoughts and ideas that are most important to you and your goals.

5. Stay gentle with yourself and others as people find their way, create new paths, and navigate through change. In fact, if there are changes that you would like to initiate, this is a great year for better aligning to your own authenticity.

If you’d like help setting goals, diving deeper, and exploring new ways of creating wellness in your life, let’s schedule a coaching session.

You can request a consultation here.

Wishing you a wonderful new year!

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant.

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist; Emotion, Body, and Beief Code Certified.


