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Joy of Jasmine


Jasmine absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), which is not technically an essential oil due to the extraction methods used to obtain it, is often touted in aromatherapy for promoting romance, relaxation, uplifting mood, and improving the skin. Considered a cicatrisant (skin healer), it can boost hydration, plump, and improve tone. There are potent superpowers in those tiny blossoms!


In fact, Jasmine flowers are so potent that they come with a safety warning. Jasmine absolute should be avoided during pregnancy, as it can cause uterine contractions. Historically, Jasmine has been used DURING full-term labor to strengthen contractions and support pain relief.


Her delicate flowers open and are most fragrant at night, so harvesters handpick them overnight and into the early morning hours to capture their most potent aromas. This explains why Jasmine is a more expensive “oil” to work with. Often associated with love, this flower has been considered an aphrodisiac for centuries , and its remarkably distinct fragrance is commonly blended into perfumes adding notes of seduction and intoxication.


Jasmine offers nurturing and support when the “feminine” has been wounded. In my clinical experience, Jasmine is a deeply therapeutic aromatic oil when working through trauma involving romantic partners, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and acts of violation.

Aromatherapy can be a beautifully helpful tool on a healing journey. In addition to a compassionate therapist, it’s important to work with a Certified or Clinical Aromatherapist who is trauma-informed.

{You can read more about my certifications, or request more information about a session.}

These beautiful dried jasmine blossoms are infusing in sweet almond oil for its beauty benefits.

Working with aromatic flowers is hardly work at all.

Dried florals, such as lavender, rose, and jasmine are a luxurious skincare experience with just a bit of time and patience.


Make It: Fill a sealable jar with dried, organic (skin-safe) flowers. Fill to the top with your favorite carrier oil. Shake the jar often to support the infusion. After several weeks, the oils will become a potent beauty treatment that feels divine on the skin. Strain the plant material using a muslin cloth, store the oil in an airtight jar, and use within one month.

Use It: A luxurious bonus is applying the oil via massage after a warm bath or shower. The skin is ultra-receptive to hydration and the oil helps seal in the extra moisture.


Nature is both powerful and beautiful.

I’m ever in awe of how unique, complex, and helpful aromatic plants are, and I love helping people connect to plants that might be supportive or nourishing.

Thank you for taking time to learn more about Jasmine, and I’d love to know if there are other essential oils or plants that you’d like to get to know.

Wishing you a lovely and beautiful day!
