Good Grief

Over the past couple of months, we have lost three members of our family.


Some parts of the human experience are just plain difficult.

Those swift, unexpected losses hit hard.

They stirred memories, emotions, and regrets, and are a painful reminder of how temporary life is.

Grief, like living and dying, is complicated and full of rich, complex emotions.

It’s a test of the human spirit.

I wondered, what’s good about grieving?

Good Grief: the upside of Grief

I challenged myself to find anything positive amidst so much loss.

What I witnessed is that grief can be inspiring.

Grief inspires connection.

It’s not the most ideal reason for gathering, but grief does bring people together.

We laugh, we cry, we tell stories, we hug.

Grief is soothed through connection. That’s how we heal our hearts and our hurts.

Grief can also be a catalyst for deeper, more authentic relationships, and can be a reminder of how much (and which) relationships truly matter in life.

Grief inspires more purposeful living.

Loss is humbling.

Nothing sparks a full life-evaluation like writing an obituary for someone we love.

When life gets condensed down to a few sentences, we see what matters most.

There really is no time like now to re-evaluate and revitalize relationships with people, our bodies, our work, our health and wellness, the way we spend our days, etc.

Now is always a good time to prioritize better living.

Give love

Many people around the world are grieving. If you know one of them, please make an effort to connect with them. A phone call, visit, meal, or flowers can go a long way for someone who is deeply hurting.

Here are a few ways to support someone through grief.

Give more love every chance you get. ♡

Jacquelyn Benjamin, FMCHC, HN, CA

A special, heart-felt “thank you” to my clients for your patience as I’ve had to make a few schedule changes over the past few weeks. I am truly grateful for your flexibility, prayers, and support.

If you are going through hard times, may you have the strength you need during this time and always.

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant.

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist; Emotion, Body, and Beief Code Certified.

The Scent of Love


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