The Scent of Love

Happy day of love!

There’s no better day than Valentine’s Day to share stories of intense and passionate love affairs. 

As an Aromatherapist, this is one of my favorites.


Aromas are often deeply woven into the most precious stories of our lives, especially love stories.  

Gifting perfumes and colognes is common on Valentine’s Day because it can be a beautifully intimate exchange.

Scent matters, and Cleopatra knew this well. 

Rarely will you hear of a woman more bold than Cleopatra.

Run to her or run from her?

Rumor has it that when Cleopatra set her eyes on any prize, especially a man, there was no stopping her.  

At 22 years old, she was so determined to get the attention of Julius Caesar, 53, that she had herself rolled up inside of ornamental rugs and linens and smuggled directly into his private quarters.

Talk about fearless!  


She was even more forward with her intentions regarding Marc Antony.

She aimed straight for where it would hit him hardest...

…his nose, of course.  

(I know that's what you were thinking.)  

Legend tells that she had her ship's purple sails doused in fragrant oils before setting off to sea.  

No doubt, he would smell her coming and be unable to resist the aroma of rose and neroli (the scents they suspect she used to lure him in).  

Let’s just say, it worked.


It seems Cleopatra was a lover of beauty, obsessed with fragrance, and a believer in the power of natural oils.  

It is reported that roses were nearly always strewn about her bed, and it has been rumored that rose petals were sometimes inches deep on her bedroom floor.  

She spent quite a bit of time leisurely bathing in rosewater, reportedly wrote a book on the benefits of botanicals for the skin, and her milk and honey baths are still the inspiration for aromatherapists today.       

Cleopatra's obsession with aroma and seduction have placed her at the center of much scandal.  

Her beauty, power, intellect, and tempting nature have all been studied and turned into legends.  


Although she lived a public life, it would also seem Cleopatra had a playful side.  

It has been reported that she and Mark Antony would dress up in costumes and go playing in the streets together at night masquerading as commoners.  

Her life was scandalous, tumultuous, and exciting, to say the least.  

It ended with her suicide at age 39 by poison. Egyptian Cobra is often cited as the cause of death, but even that has been debated.  

Putting her fate in her own hands was more noble than being captured in defeat. 

When Marc Antony heard of her death, he did the same.  

Rome conquered Egypt for a while, and the rest, as they say, is history.  

Cleo inspired body Oil Recipe

In honor of passionate love stories, I blended an aromatic body oil.

  • 1 oz. sweet almond oil

  • 2 drops of essential oils of:

Neroli (Citrus aurantium var amara)

Rose (Rosa damascena)

Mandarin (Citrus reticulata var mandarin)

It’s heavenly. ♡

May you have a passionate, luxurious, and aromatic Valentine’s Day!  


Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant.

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist; Emotion, Body, and Beief Code Certified.

Gifts for Grief


Good Grief