
This weekend, my best friend and I took a trip to see Dave Matthews Band play in Charlotte, NC. It had been far too long since we had seen each other, and we had more fun than we could have imagined.

It was a quick, but wonderful getaway that reminded me of the importance of having fun, because “Life is short, but sweet, for certain.” - Two Step, Dave Matthews Band

I’d love to share my favorite takeaways from our concert getaway:

Top 10 Takeaways from a fun weekend

  1. Everything is better with your best friend. With the right people, life becomes magical. “Turns out not where, but who you're with that really matters.” - Best of What’s Around, Dave Matthews Band

  2. Smiling so much that your face hurts is good medicine.

  3. Seeing people do what they love is inspiring, energizing, and so much fun!

  4. Enjoying a break from your home environment, routines, and schedule is a healthy disruption.

  5. Laughter is exercise. Too much of it will make you delightfully sore.

  6. Music is good for the soul. Hearing 15,000 fans sing along with the band is powerful! It’s beautiful how quickly that many people can fall into rhythm.

  7. Seeing people enjoy themselves is an uplifting experience. Contrary to what social media might portray, people are mostly good and generally desire peaceful, pleasurable lives.

  8. Nothing feels like dancing.

  9. It’s good to get lost and turned around. Sometimes the unexpected happens. Divine timing seems to always be at work. (Sometimes it feels LUCKY).

  10. Joy is a fast way to fill your cup.

I hope you’re finding fun. The last two years have been difficult, draining, and life changing for so many people.

I hope you value JOY enough to seek it daily, and more than anything, I hope your cup overflows.

"Tomorrow is no place to place your better days." - Dave Matthews Band


PS - Please enjoy some of the photos from the show!

Dave Matthews Band. PNC Music Arena.

Charlotte, NC. 5/20/2022

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant.

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist; Emotion, Body, and Beief Code Certified.

A Whole Life
