22 Things To Do

22 Things To Do {that are better than worrying}

  1. Clean out a junk drawer or closet, or tackle a small project you’ve been hoping for time to complete.  

  2. Read a book.  Read anything.

  3. Call someone you love.

  4. Write a letter or journal.

  5. Art.  Draw, paint, color, create.  Art is a verb. 

  6. Help someone.  Check-in on neighbors and local charities to see what help is needed.

  7. Take a nap.  

  8. Watch a movie.

  9. Watch videos on learning a new skill or language.

  10. Exercise or explore a new form of movement.  

  11. Laugh hard and often. (This scene always makes me laugh.)

  12. Dance in the kitchen.

  13. Take a bath.

  14. Play a game.

  15. Rearrange the furniture or redecorate your room.

  16. Cook a healthy meal that you usually don’t have time to prepare.

  17. Go outside, especially if you have a yard or land.  The greatest healer is all around us.  Most viruses cannot survive outdoors, so going out to play might be the most joyful way to spend these days.  

  18. Start or plan a garden, or research a new plant for your home.

  19. Daydream for 10 minutes.  

  20. Make a photo album.

  21. Clean up the photos, apps on your phone, messages, emails, desktop, etc.

  22. Pray, meditate, visualize, practice breathing exercises.

I’d love to know how you take advantage of this time!  

I’m imagining being grateful for this time when all is said and done.  ♡

Hang in there!  

xoxo Jacquelyn

weaving alchemy morning light.jpg
Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant.

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist; Emotion, Body, and Beief Code Certified.


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