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2021 Potential

Hello, and congratulations for making it through 2020! ☺️

With 2020 officially in hindsight, we might remember it as one of the most profound years of our lives, and as the turning point for many changes to systems all around the world.

2021 also appears to hold the potential for great change and feels like a push to expand us individually and spiritually. Perhaps the intensity of 2020 is almost over; however, there is likely to be more shifting and movement as people seek freedom and realign as a result of the changes 2020 helped initiate.

In many ways, we are entering new territory.

In December 2020, the much-hyped “Christmas star” (the grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at 0 degrees Aquarius) helped open the door to something new. The entire world had its focus on the night sky.

More than 2000 years ago, this “star” also led the magi to the birth of Jesus, whose revolutionary life brought about a profound transformation to the world - a radical shift in seeing, loving, and being.

Although his message was hopeful and compassionate, he was often met with ridicule, struggle, and contempt by those who were fiercely protecting their old ways of being. His teachings, which profoundly promoted love, are still used to incite violence thousands of years after his death.

Change can be complicated, and people don’t always embrace change.

We have an opportunity to see things in a new way. This new Aquarian energy may allow us to be more willing, innovative, progressive, intelligent, and forward thinking. Old ways of doing things may not work in a new world, so much must shift. Leaning in to problems with an open and solution-oriented mindset will yield a different (dare I say, easier) experience than desperately holding on to the way things used to be.

There is opportunity for progress, but it will requiring looking at the needs of others and collaborating with others to ensure successful movement forward. This isn’t the time for going it alone. Aquarius highlights groups, organizations, and friendships. This would be an excellent year to take stock of how you’re connecting with others. Consider getting involved with groups and charities for which you have a passion, especially local ones. Align with friends that uplift and inspire, and take note of the connections that leave you feeling drained or depleted. As a wellness coach, I see first-hand how having healthy connections with others can create happiness and feelings of well-being.

Cycles + Perspectives

If you enjoy following these cycles and perspectives, I have attached a document that outlines some key dates for the year, including:

  • major planetary retrogrades (what arises during these times can show us what needs review or revision to forge a better path). Of note: In 2020, all Mercury retrogrades were in water signs helping us get to the bottom of how we truly feel about things. In 2021, Mercury retrogrades through only air signs challenging the way we think about things and showing us how our mindset might be holding us back.

  • eclipse windows (still exploring themes of Gemini and Sagittarius, highlighting how we connect with others, how we receive and process information, travel, and local vs global logistics).

  • three times Uranus squares Saturn creating the potential for shock + awe, difficulty, or disruption. During the Uranus Square Saturn transits in 2021, frustrating "push-pull" energy could create tension as some people want to cling to old ways of living and others want to revolutionize the world. This battle may play-out not only in the external world, but also within ourselves. The desire for safety and security of old ways might keep us from fully embracing new ideas that might not have a lot of stability behind them. But, change must begin somewhere…

5 Ways to Navigate the Uncertainty of 2021:

Although uncertain might be an accurate way to describe this time, there are a few things you can do to regain more control.

1. Stay curious and open-minded. Curiosity is a salve for rigid thinking. Practice replacing fear with curiosity. It's a game-changer.

2. Focus on your goals. If there are distractions on the external, national, or global stage, don't allow yourself to be carried away by (all of) them. Intentionally leaning into your own goals and dreams will help filter what needs your attention. Not everything brought to your attention needs your attention. If you'd like support with setting, reaching, or making goals - a coaching session might be helpful as you begin this new year.

3. Start a journal. Documenting changes in the world and how you feel about them creates a personal record of our actively-changing history. It's also a beautiful way to process thoughts and feelings and help keep your energy clear, and just imagine looking back at this time in a few years.

4. Nourish your nervous system. Stress and change can create havoc for the body’s nervous system. Breathwork, herbs, nutrition, healthy communication, and exercise can all support the body and protect it from the damaging effects of stress. It’s an excellent time to get “picky” about what you give your energy to. Distractions are everywhere. Simply because it’s brought to your attention does not mean it truly requires your attention, so focus on the thoughts and ideas that are most important to you and your goals.

5. Stay gentle with yourself and others as people find their way, create new paths, and navigate through change. In fact, if there are changes that you would like to initiate, this is a great year for better aligning to your own authenticity.


2021 will likely be abundant with thoughts and ideas - many of which will never grow legs - and others that will seem to stabilize quickly. Humanity may be trying to find new ways of being, living, and loving. Finding the excitement in change and evolution will help lessen the worry of how this story might end.

Some of the most intense planetary transits of the year occur in January. Find ways to stay grounded and focused as we start so you can make the most of this time. I wish you the very best during this exciting time for humanity, and please reach out if you'd like to explore these topics on a more personal level.

We are always standing on the verge of something...

- Jacquelyn Benjamin

Rx = retrograde