The decisions you make regarding your health and wellness are your sole responsibility.

Weaving Alchemy will not be held responsible for any consequences of your decisions.

Weaving Alchemy neither claims, nor implies, that any instruction, advice, counsel, suggestions, recommendations, services, or products provided, whether in person or by mail or by telephone, will cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate any disease condition; but are provided solely for the purpose of supporting the natural function of the body systems, and to improve general health and well-being.

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Weaving Alchemy may gather personal information to support health and wellbeing through promoting lifestyle changes, healthy habits, and optimal self-care. All information gathered and discussed will remain confidential and private. No information is shared to third-parties. The only exception is if there is reasonable cause to believe there are threats of serious harm to self or others, in which case, Weaving Alchemy is obligated to report situations the proper agency or authority.


The wellness coach/Weaving Alchemy is not a medical professional, and does not diagnose, prevent or treat any illness, disease, or any other physical or mental condition. This practitioner may be consulted for educational and support purposes, however, all requests for products and service are considered to be of a client’s own free-will. None of these services are replacements for medical treatments, and it is recommended that clients see a qualified professional for any physical, mental, or psychological condition. Any evaluation cannot determine a specific disease condition, and it does not replace the diagnostic services offered by licensed physicians. Weaving Alchemy will not suggest that anyone cease medical care.

Coaching Services:

The coaching services include a supportive, comprehensive process for attaining health and well-being. Topics discussed may include: nutrition, diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, time management, work goals, relationship goals, meaningful purpose, health challenges, and energy. Clients are fully responsible for their own well-being during coaching sessions, including choices and decisions.


The practitioner will not be held liable or responsible for any reaction, allergy, general dissatisfaction, etc.  Clients are responsible for providing accurate information about any medications they might be on or any major illnesses they may have.  Clients are also responsible for any product once it is in their possession.  The practitioner may provide general guidelines for how to best use a product.  Weaving Alchemy cannot be held liable for any product after delivery due to risk for contamination, misuse, etc., and due to the custom nature of the products created, all sales are final.