love letter

A love letter for the overwhelmed.


So many of your frustrations

don’t actually belong to you.

You have been taught

that you are not enough -

not doing enough -

that you are not ok.

You have been under a spell

and it’s ready to be broken.

You are ready to be untethered

from these tired, old notions.

You are not overwhelmed, my dear.

Your mind and heart have been hijacked

and the ransom you must pay

is letting go…

… to find yourself among the chaos

and reclaim your heart and mind.

To guard them well and ceaselessly

for they are gifts from God.

Your purpose is to be many things -

mostly joyful and glad

and curious and trustworthy.

Live with that purpose.

And do not be overwhelmed.

Overwhelm is just you

calling yourself

back to you.

So when you feel the call

that feels like too much,

decide now how you will answer.

Peace is waiting.

Be not overwhelmed.

Be instead

underwhelmed by your burdens

and overcome with


Jacquelyn Benjamin