Love Your Liver


A Holistic Approach to Loving Your Liver and Helping it Heal

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This workshop is a true investment in your wellness.

This two hour Zoom workshop will help you discover ways to support your liver through: herbs, nutrition, movement, and lifestyle perspectives.

Upon completion, you’ll be empowered to create and complete a 30 day liver cleanse that is relevant to your lifestyle and wellness goals.

This workshop is available to individuals, families, and small groups, and includes a companion workbook and two hours of interaction with a Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach.

The human body is incredible.  

The liver is no exception.  It is one of the few organs that can regenerate itself.

A healthy liver shows signs of renewal after a few days of proper attention and can fully regenerate itself in 30 days (even some types of liver damage can be healed).

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This workshop is for you if you experience any of the following:

Sluggish or fatty liver

Dull skin tone or dark circles under eyes

Skin issues

Poor digestion

Frequent frustration, irritability, or anger


Lingering infections

Asthma or allergies

Sluggishness, fatigue, or brain fog

Water retention

Frequent UTI's

Toxins. mold, or heavy metal exposure

What are clients saying?

“Oh my gosh I am SO ELATED to write this review! In just three days, I have felt a major shift, and feel SO FREE and back to my true self and happiness, and I have a lot of energy that I felt missing for a while. I did have little knowledge on herbs and different oils, and Jacquelyn was able to assist me on how to navigate intaking various herbs and I immediately knew how to take action after our call. This was definitely the shift I needed since our health comprises of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, and Jacquelyn really goes knee-deep with each element while making it super personal for you. I can't thank her enough. This was exactly what I needed and more!!”

- A.P.