We always have a Choice with our mindset.

The victim mindset is sneaky. It’s a disempowering form of thinking, feeling, and being in the world. It can linger for a lifetime and can even move through generations within families.

The victor mindset is empowering. It sees through a lens of faith, trust, and internal strength. It can cultivate resilience, integrity, and courage. Even if this mindset doesn’t come naturally, it can be developed.

Suggestions for influencing your own mindset:

  • Begin patrolling and examining your thoughts. Start with something simple, like: Are my thoughts generally positive or negative? Are they moving me forward? Try to catch negative thoughts and make sure they have a productive purpose.

  • Listen to the stories you tell about yourself. What you share and how you frame a story can be revealing.

  • Dive deeper. What are the memories you focus on? Is there anything causing frustration or resentment right now? Are you feeling strong in your own power or are you feeling disempowered?

  • Talk things out. Holding too much in can help the mind get caught in a trap. Many people are '“verbal processors,” meaning they gain a deeper insight and move out of negative experiences from talking things out. Never underestimate the power of talking things out with a trusted friend, therapist, or coach. I’m here if you’d like to talk more about developing mindset.

Check out the definitions below and choose wisely.


To be a victim, by definition, is to be negatively affected, mistreated, or even sacrificed.

To be a victor denotes that somehow a great challenge has been won, and indicates a profound over-coming of hardship.

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Jacquelyn Benjamin, Holistic Wellness Consultant.

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Clinical Aromatherapist, Holistic Nutritionist; Emotion, Body, and Beief Code Certified.


