interview with an Aromatherapist

Article from 2020

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What does an aromatherapist do, anyway?

I was recently contacted by a nursing student taking a non-traditional medicine course. Part of her curriculum included interviewing an aromatherapist, and I was excited to help.

How are you qualified to administer this treatment/therapy?

I am a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist (NAHA Level 3) and Aromatherapy Educator.  I have a scholars-level certification in Aromatherapy, as well as a certification in Botanical Body Care Products, French Aromatherapy, Hydrosols, and Reiki. I am also a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach and a Holistic Nutritionist.


My typical/ideal client is someone seeking natural ways to optimize their health and vitality through natural wellness.

I promote mind-body stress relieving techniques, and assist clients as they set wellness goals. I also celebrate when they meet them!

While I am not a medical professional, and I do not diagnose or treat conditions, injuries, or illnesses, I whole-heartedly feel that holistic therapies, such as Aromatherapy, can yield powerful outcomes for people, and can often be a wonderful adjunct to modern medical treatments.  

Read Weaving Alchemy’s policy here.

Did you receive specialized education or training?

I have a Bachelor's of Science degree and spent 10 years working for two of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies.

I specialized in treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, ADHD, and depression.

I saw how reactive our medical system is, and I began to learn more about natural wellness as a lifestyle and preventative care.

In 2014, a personal injury to my cervical spine led me to learning more about using essential oils for pain. I was so impressed with what I was experiencing and learning that I never stopped researching and kept falling more in love with the idea that nature holds many of our healing capabilities. We have strayed far from this idea in our modern world, but as nature always tends to come full circle, we are slowly finding our way back to balance.

I am also a mother of two boys.  When my son developed severe allergies in early childhood, I sought natural and holistic approaches towards caring for my family, cleaning our home, and nurturing our bodies. The difference has been profound.

I chose to become certified to be better educated, and to be safe and efficient when creating products for my family and clients. I have completed several hundred training hours of aromatherapy education. 

If you know me, you know I’m a lifetime learner.

Why did you choose this therapy/career?

My passion is working with people and helping them make lasting and beneficial lifestyle changes.

I’ve seen first-hand that stress is a leading and prevalent cause of diminished health and vitality. Aromatherapy, and plant-based wellness, can absolutely help improve stress, sleep, mood, and so much more.

“Smell” and aromas have a unique and significant impact on our brain, including the limbic system, which helps regulate stress, memory, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. I have yet to come across another form of therapy that impacts the mind, the body, and stress in such a unique way.

I enjoy sharing my experiences with aromatherapy, and it’s a rewarding way to help others.

How long have YOU been practicing?

I began formulating aromatherapy products for myself in 2014. 

In 2015, I was frequently creating products for friends and family.  I decided to formalize my knowledge over the following years and began Weaving Alchemy in 2017.  

In 2020, I was certified as a Functional Medicine Health Coach by the Institute of Functional Medicine, and today I “weave” multiple modalities together to help clients in my Holistic Coaching Practice.


The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy is the only program that collaborates with the Institute for Functional Medicine.

This program highlights positive psychology and coaching techniques, and enables allow me to work with both clients and health-care providers (such as Functional Medicine Physicians) to:

Can you provide examples of success in your practice?

The Aromatic portion of my business is unique.

In 2017, I was solely focused on aromatherapy. As my interactions with clients developed, so did Weaving Alchemy.

Currently I work more as a coach and consultant. If clients are having specific issues, I help them connect to potentially beneficial resources, which sometimes includes aromatherapy products.

I do occasionally make customized aromatherapy products. I love a good challenge and trying new things, and I frequently make my own skin and body care products. It helps me get specific with my current needs.

For clients this week, I made a nourishing and hydrating facial oil, poison ivy rash paste, and a relaxing muscle massage oil.

Aromatherapists do not “treat” clients, so many professional aromatherapists are reserved about how they share the successes of their work.  

I have been sought out by people who are willing to see if nature can help with various conditions including skin, emotions, infections, sleep, etc.

To give specific examples, some of the things I have been commissioned to create are:

- formulation for UTI’s, respiratory infections, and other infections

- products for women’s retreats in Costa Rica

-topical oil blends to calm the stressful effects of essential tremor

- athlete’s foot care regimen

- wedding day spa gifts + honeymoon baskets

- diffuser blends to support more restful sleep

- inhalers

- allergy support blend for a nebulizing diffusers

- joint and muscle support oil

- healthy skin care

- ultra-nourishing body butter for chemotherapy affected skin

- blended teas

- acne clearing products

- child-safe aromatic support products (allergies, ADHD, sleep, etc.)

- personalized botanical perfumes, and more…

Is this treatment/therapy readily availability?

Because most items are custom-crafted, they take time to prepare. 

I have clients from all over the US and several abroad. It's exciting to work in a time when I can ship things easily, and am not restrained by location. 

What does this treatment/therapy cost?

On average, individual products range between $20-$100.  Because every product is unique, cost varies.  Some client connections are more long term and I create packages for cost efficiency.

I offer consultations where I meet with clients online or by phone, and I also offer coaching options for those looking to create a highly individualized long-term wellness plan.

I speak to small groups about holistic wellness, hold custom created workshops to meet client needs, and partner with other wellness professionals to expand client services. The fees for these services vary based on specifics.

If you’d like to inquire about working together, this is the best way.

I hope this has been helpful, and thank you for taking the time to learn more about aromatherapy.

If you’d like to learn more, check out the links below.

Jacquelyn Benjamin

Holistic Wellness Professional