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Under Pressure

Just like that, it’s June!

This year has been packed with tremendous change.

Frustrations and restrictions, disrupted schedules, and emotional uncertainty have amplified stress for so many people across the globe.

I know you have been affected.

We all have.

As Holistic Wellness Coach, I have the pleasure of talking with people about their experiences. I am blessed to have incredible clients with awe-inspiring stories of fortitude, hope, and perseverance, all which have come as a result of overcoming challenges.

So often our virtues are earned through life experience.

It is HOW we experience challenges and blessings that builds a rich, full life.

In the midst of chaos, however, it can be difficult to stay focused on goals, positivity, and moving forward.

Through conscious effort, we can feel more in control.

Intentionally investing time and energy in activities that enrich and enliven us is one effective technique for managing turbulent times.

The story of our lives is being written in the small, yet significant, ways we are either nourishing or depleting ourselves.

In my practice, I’ve noticed that clients who spend hours each day on social media are almost all reporting increased depression and anxiety, while clients who are focusing on their movement, mental health, and gratitude are reporting that they are handling these disruptions as well as can be expected. The difference is how they spend their time.

How you spend your time is creating your life - moment by moment.

I created this calendar for a client, but I also wanted to share it with you.

I wanted to remind you to take good care of yourself when times are hard.

I wanted to remind you to:

Plan for good times. Create opportunities for happiness. Focus on small, meaningful gestures. Try something new. Turn your phone off. Put your feet on the ground. Smile. Talk. Connect. Clear clutter. Donate. Make a change for the better. Play music. Have fun. Laugh. Learn something new. Be grateful for each day. Plan new things to try each week. Pre-plan intentional acts of kindness. Combat loneliness. Chat with friends and family. Find new ways of moving your amazing body. Create positive reminders. Treasure all moments of care {for self and others}. Get out of your head. Get into your heart. 💚

I hope you’ll print this calendar and fill it with moments that feel like highlights during these trying times. Use it to plan or track how you spend your days.

If you’d like to have a deeper conversation, Holistic Coaching Sessions are an effective way to make the most of these times. I have witnessed clients having the most incredible breakthroughs this year.

We are changing, and while it may be uncomfortable in moments, the end result will be profound.

Remember, diamonds are only stunning because of pressure. Otherwise, they’d just be rocks.

We will get through these times...

How we get through will be the story we tell.



PS. What’s your story? I’d love to know how these times are changing things for you.

{Right-click to save the image or click here to download from Dropbox.}