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Last year profoundly shifted us. It reset many of our expectations, plans, and habits. Truthfully, it changed the way we live.  

With 2020 now in hindsight, we have a unique opportunity to re-evaluate the kinds of experiences we want in our lives, and to question if how we are currently living will help us get there.

Having clearly defined life goals can bring clarity in all aspects of life, and periodically exploring ways to improve, upgrade, and honor this beautiful experience of living can be an invaluable investment of your time and energy.

If you've been swept away by the distractions of this past year, take a moment to reflect on your personal vision for 2021.

Here are some questions to get started.

  • What problem would you like to solve for yourself this year?

  • What brings you the greatest joy?

  • What causes you the most frustration daily?

  • If you could remove anything from your life, what would it be?

  • What’s one thing you wish you did in 2020?

  • What would you love to be different one year from now?

  • What do you want more of in 2021?

    Start there and work backwards by setting authentic goals.  

Still Looking for Inspiration?

Use these 10 topics to inspire a resolution.

  1. LOVE - We are all doing the best we can. Practice seeing with the heart. Is there anyone you’d like to be more loving towards?

  2. COMPASSION - Everyone has struggles. No one is exempt from life’s frustrations or self-limitation. Who is struggling right now? Is there a way you can help?

  3. CONNECTION - Being heard can be deeply healing. Is there anyone you’d like to have more conversations or connections with in 2021?

  4. HEALTH - Having a healthy body is part of survival. What can you do to improve your health and vitality?

  5. BALANCE - Good self-care offers a balanced way of living. Oh, and men need self-care, too. What do YOU need more of in 2021 to feel good?

  6. ACTION - Bravery is beautiful. Taking action in the direction of a dream tends to put a sparkle in the eye and can naturally elevate energy levels. What’s one brave thing you can do this year to step outside of your comfort zone?

  7. SELF-LOVE - Having a good relationship with yourself changes how you experience life. In fact, it sets the tone for all other relationships. How can you love yourself more? How can you reduce your stress?

  8. CREATIVITY - The right creative outlet can carry a person through difficult times. What creative pursuits would you like to explore?

  9. PERSPECTIVE - How you see your story determines how you play out your story. Change the way you tell the story, and everything will change. How would you like your story to be told?

  10. FUN - Doing what feels good may cause happiness. Enjoyment is a wonderful distraction. What is fun? How can you have more fun?

A worthwhile resolution can leave you feeling inspired and empowered!

It can offer a renewed sense of meaning and purpose -

a reminder that change doesn't only happen to us; sometimes it happens because of us.

Is there anything else that can further ensure success?

Once you’ve set and committed to your resolution, there is one more step that can up the odds that you’ll reach your goal:


In a study of 200 people, the outcomes were clear: “The group that received some support was exclusively and significantly more successful compared to the other two. This study reveals that New Year’s resolutions can have lasting effects, even at a one-year follow-up.”*

Having someone to support your efforts can mean the difference between staying on track and quitting. Consider choosing a supportive person to help you along the way - an uplifting trainer, friend, family member, therapist, or coach.

Working with a Holistic Coach (insert shameless self-promotion) can help you feel supported through change. Having accountability at the right times can boost self-discipline, and having someone to celebrate your efforts is invaluable. You can learn more about working with a coach from this article from the Washington Post: Health and wellness coaches are fairly new. Here’s what you need to know about them.

Let me know if I can help!

Jacquelyn Benjamin

PS - Enjoy the Resolution Inspiration Worksheet below, and I hope you’ll be inspired to book a consultation.

Reference: *Oscarsson M, Carlbring P, Andersson G, Rozental A (2020) A large-scale experiment on New Year’s resolutions: Approach-oriented goals are more successful than avoidance-oriented goals. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0234097. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234097

Print or save this worksheet to inspire you to create worthwhile resolutions for 2021.