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DAYS 1-7

Hello friends!

I have been having a lot of fun with “22 Days of Positivity” on social media!

I’m excited to share these simple prompts that may help you touch a memory, thought, or person that uplifts your life in some way.

Below are the prompts for Days 1-7 (along with my responses). If you’d like to share and contribute, please comment here or follow along on Facebook or Instagram.

The feedback has been exciting! I have received messages from clients who are using these in unique and wonderful ways: a mother is using them to reconnect with loved ones over family dinner each night, another lovely woman shared that she is using “22 Days of Positivity” to reconnect with her husband in a more positive way, and others have shared that they are using them as journal prompts.

This warms my heart, and I’d love to know how these prompts are working for you.

I hope you’ve been uplifted, and I look forward to hearing from you, as well! ♡

Day 1: My best trip ever was to…

One thing I’ve learned about positivity coaching is that it can be effective to work with REAL happy feelings and memories to set a positive tone.

Many people look at positivity coaching as a way to “trick” the mind, and while “faking it until you make it” can work, starting with your own true and uplifting experiences helps ground more positivity into your reality.

Remembering the good times can actually help you make more good times. Who doesn’t want that?!?

So, tell me about your best trip ever (even if you haven’t gone far), and I’ll share mine below.

My response: Costa Rica was a most incredible trip. ❤️ Being surrounded by lush green forests, incredible food, and heart centered people was a life changing experience for me. It was the first time that I really turned my mind off and felt I was in a constant state of awe and wonder. I’d love to hold a retreat there someday (just sending that out into the world). 💫🇨🇷💚

Day 2: As a child, one person who helped me feel extra special was…

Feeling appreciated and cherished can improve overall self-concept, and looking back fondly on childhood can evoke more joy now.💙 #morejoynow

Who made you feel special as a child?

My response: (I’m intentionally choosing a non-family member because I had MANY amazing family members growing up.)

One of my after-school teachers became my babysitter for a while, and she was so much fun! She drove a convertible car and we would listen to George Michael at max volume! 🎶 She was an “older than me” person who didn’t treat me like a little kid. Thank you for the sweet memories, Ms Angela!

Day 3: I am really good at…

Acknowledging your own strengths, skills, and talents is a fast way to feel more positive and uplifted.

Everyone is good at something. What are you good at?

My response: I am good at asking questions and being curious. Both have helped me learn so much in life, and both help me be a better coach. #askbetterquestions #staycurious

Day 4: The best thing about being alive is…

Tuning in to the parts of life that feel amazing is a great way to feel more positive and uplifted.

My response: My favorite part of being alive is the variety! There are endless scenes, emotions, stories, perspectives, challenges, triumphs, colors, creatures, connections, etc. There is always more…

Feeling stuck, limited, and restricted is simply a perspective.
#holisticcoach #alwaysmore #varietyisthespiceoflife #weavingalchemy

Day 5: I recall a most beautiful scene from my life…

Rich memories including aromas, sounds, and scenery are deeply embedded in the “feeling” areas of the brain. Remembering beautiful places in detail can boost memory and help relive beautiful experiences.

My response:
I recall being on a fishing boat in Costa Rica. 🇨🇷. We were blessed to meet up with several pods of dolphin. 🐬. There were THOUSANDS of dolphins swimming along side us. They were twisting, jumping, and playing. They were as far as I could see, and it was so absolutely incredible that all I could do was cry and laugh. 😂 It was a profound and joyful memory for me! 🌊

Positivity Challenge Day 6: One time I was generous was…. and how that made me feel was….

Being able to give means we have something to offer others. It reflects a desire to help and see others rise. Kindness and generosity will always be a fast track to positivity.

My response: When I was a new mom, I was purchasing some things for my son when I began to overhear a conversation between a young mother and father across the aisle. They were debating how to afford formula for their child. I gathered all of the cash I had in my purse. I handed it to them and told them I would pray that they always find the money they need to provide for their child. The young woman was in disbelief that a stranger came out of nowhere and made life a little easier.

I have never felt more powerful than in that moment.

Day 7 (of 22): One thing I look most forward to doing is:

Having something to look forward to is a game changer in life. It’s the reason I encourage clients to set goals, to look forward, and to daydream. It can help people feel more purposeful and positive.

What do you most look forward to? It can be something you do each day or a long term vision that you have your heart set on. Or both. Share in the comments. 💚

Thank you for following along as we have completed the first week of this challenge! A special thanks to those who have responded, sent messages, and shared this challenge with others.

My Response: I wake up each day while it’s still dark. I make a cup of tea or coffee and my sweet dog and I sit on a lounger in the backyard and listen to the sounds of morning. If I have time I stay for the full sunrise. It’s the best part of waking up. #bestpartofwakingup

A long term vision I hold involves months-long travel with my camera in brand new places. #whenthekidsaregrown

Hashtags from the positivity challenge:

#learningtouplift #positivityprompts #keepitsimple #positivitycoaching #playalong #holisticlifecoach #weavingalchemy #22days #invitehappiness #positivitychallenge #day2 #childhoodmemories #mademefeelspecia l#positivitychallenge #day3 #22daychallenge #positivitychallenge #uplifted #iamgoodat #coaching #holisticcoach #mindsetmatters #selfconcept #personalgrowth #bestpartaboutlife #myfavoritething #day4 #22daychallenge #positivitychallenge #andthewinneris #positivevibes #upliftingothers #lifeisgood #day5 #22days #abeautifulscene #memories #positiveexperiences #rememberthegoodthings #holisticcoaching #shareyourstory #kindandgenerous #givingfeelsgood #positivitychallenge #day6 #22daychallenge #feelinspired #dosomething #helpothers #coachingforabetterlife #givingisliving #truepower #bestfeelingever #surprisestrangers #day7 #somethingtolookforwardto #goals #longtermvision #onthedaily #makelifefun #holisticcoaching #selflove #leoseason #focusonyourheart #weavingalchemy