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DAYS 8-14


I have been having a lot of fun with “22 Days of Positivity” on social media!

I’m excited to share these simple prompts that may help you touch a memory, thought, or person that uplifts your life in some way.

Below are the prompts for Days 8-14 (along with my responses). If you’d like to share and contribute, please comment here or follow along on Facebook or Instagram.

The feedback has been exciting! I have received messages from clients who are using these in unique and wonderful ways: a mother is using them to reconnect with loved ones over family dinner each night, another lovely woman shared that she is using “22 Days of Positivity” to reconnect with her husband in a more positive way, and others have shared that they are using them for their daily journal prompts.

This warms my heart, and I’d love to know how these prompts are working for you.

I hope you’ve been uplifted, and I look forward to hearing from you, as well! ♡

Day 8: If I could make millions doing what I love, I would…

Combining something you love with expansive ideas about money can be a really fun daydream! Daydream with me. How are you making millions?

My Response: I’d be an in-demand luxury travel photographer!

Day 9: The last time I laughed so hard I cried was….

Nothing uplifts the soul like laughter. It really is the best medicine.

My response:
I laugh so much I cry almost every single time I talk to my best friend. It’s good for the soul and the abdominals!

Day 10: That one song that always makes life feel so right is…

Music has a rich history of lifting the soul. Sometimes a song can carry you away to a memory, or maybe there’s a song that always lifts your mood.

What’s that song for you?

My response:

Hearing Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds will forever remind me of my two boys. The backstory is too much to share, but they made this song into a beautiful memory for me. They are absolutely incredible people who teach me about loving, being loved, and showing up when it matters most!

“Don’t worry about a thing
Because every little thing
is gonna be alright…”

Day 11: I have overcome a lot in my life. My proudest moment is…

Enjoying the highlights of life is a great way to feel positive and uplifted.

Share one of your proudest moments.

My response:

Confidently stretching my boundaries and trying new things is always a proud moment for me. I set secret little goals that I don’t share with anyone and it’s so much fun when I make them!

Other proud moments are becoming a mother TWICE, winning Sales Specialist of the Year when I was in sales TWICE, and starting my own business TWICE.

Day 12: One part of my life that is better than I thought it would be is….

Life has a funny way of surprising you if you let it. It may not always work out the way you want, but sometimes it’s even better than expected.

What’s going better than you expected?

My response:

I am far more creative than I ever realized. I am so grateful I took time along the way to cultivate my creativity.

Day 13: A time when I was insanely lucky was…

As much as people like to have control over their lives, sometimes unseen forces are at play. Every now and then, luck takes the wheel and gives you something wonderfully unexpected.

Tell me about how luck helped you!

My response:

When I was graduating from college, I was resigned to having to take a job that I wasn’t overly excited about in a city I really didn’t want to live in.

Just before I accepted that position formally, I received a call from the company I really wanted to work for. I was being offered a position that was higher paying and more specialized than the original position! 🙌

That definitely felt lucky to me! 🍀

Day 14: The most awesome experience I’ve had in nature is…

Part of the joy of being alive is witnessing life unfolding around you. Sometimes it can be inspiring, wonderful, or life changing. What’s the most awesome experience you’ve had in nature?

My response:

I once saw two bald eagles collide in mid air and then dance the “spiral of death.” It’s quite an impressive display of courtship! I was stunned at seeing them collide, lock talons, free fall towards the earth, and then release just before hitting the ground! 🦅💙🦅 #heartpounding

Challenge hashtags: #millionairemindset #daydreaming #makingmillions #abundantmindset #funandmoney #moneyisatool #positivitycoach #22days #day8 #comeplay #weavingalchemy #laughteristhebestmedicine #laughsohardicried #happymemories #positivitychallenge #day9 #holisticcoach #weavingalchemy #musicisgoodforthesoul #singmeasong #liftmeup #goodvibesplaylist #whatareyoulisteningto #holisticlifestyle #coachingforpositivechange #day10 #positivitychallenge #nature #tellmeyourstory #proudmoments #day11 #playalong #positivitycoaching #mindsetmatters #betterthanexpected #surprised #luck #ilovebeinglucky #invitingluck #iamlucky #unexpected #day13