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DAYS 15-22


“22 Days of Positivity” is complete!

These simple prompts were designed to help you touch a memory, thought, or person that could uplift your life in some way.

Below are the prompts for Days 15-22 (along with my responses). If you’d still like to share or contribute, please feel free to comment here or follow along on Facebook or Instagram.

The feedback has been most exciting! I received messages from clients who used these in unique and wonderful ways:

  • a mother is using them to reconnect with loved ones over family dinner each night

  • another lovely woman shared that she is using “22 Days of Positivity” to reconnect with her husband in a more positive way

  • others have shared that they are using them for their daily journal prompts.

This warms my heart, and I’d love to know how “22 Days of Positivity” uplifted you!

Day 15: Success feels amazing. One of my most successful moments was….

Success is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

So, you put your mind to it, and it went really well! Tell me about it!

My Response: One of my happiest success stories involves learning photography. Truthfully, I’ll always be a student, but I’m self taught and that makes me feel proud! It has been a delightful hobby and side-hustle for me since 2011.

Day 16: One thing that always feels like fun to me is…

Fun is defined as enjoyment, amusement, and light hearted pleasure.

Doesn’t that sound nice? How do you have fun?

My Response: Hands down - a road trip anywhere with my best friend. It will be fun! Every time. #bestfriends #roadtrip #ontheroadagain

Day 17: My favorite way to escape the world is…

Having a helpful escape is always a great idea. How do you escape the daily grind?

My Response: Traveling is the ultimate escape for me, but if that’s not possible, a massage is a perfect backup plan!
(I enjoyed a last minute massage recently, in fact!) @westendspa was a wonderful treat!

Day 18: My favorite memory from the last five years is…

Recounting recent memories as positive can be a great way to relive life’s best moments.

My Response: My favorite memory was visiting Costa Rica with my family. We had incredible experiences with nature, people, and food. That trip planted seeds in me that are still growing! Can’t wait to go back!❤️

Day 19: Feeling comforted is wonderful. I comfort myself by….

Good self-care promotes wellness and helps to nurture your relationship with yourself. When things feel challenging, having healthy habits for comforting yourself can boost resilience, recovery, and rejuvenation.

How do you comfort YOU?

My Response: Ah…. Comfort. Let me list the ways… 💙 Baths. Showers. Massages. Laying in the sunlight with my eyes closed. Enjoying something warm and delicious. Talking with my best friend. Hugging my kids and dog. Thinking of my secret places and memories. Aromatherapy, of course. And sleep. I do love a good rest. 😴

Day 20: They say you’re most like the five people closest to you. What’s the best thing about each of them?

My Response: One word to describe each of my top 5:
Compassionate, generous, light-hearted, determined, and brave.
All things I would love to be more of!

Day 21: What is the greatest gift you have yet to give yourself?

Little dreams, big goals, life visions, and hopes for the future all pull us along on our paths. Having something to look ahead to is good! What gift do you look forward to gifting yourself?

My Response: I have a couple of solo travel / study / play trips that I’ve been working on for quite a while. They are month long itineraries that include aromatherapy, family farmsteads, connection, and of course, photography. I’m super excited about things to come!

Day 22: Practicing positivity is so good for the soul. The happiest side effect practicing positivity for 22 days has been….

Wow! For three weeks, each day I have posted a prompt to promote positivity. This can be a great practice for uplifting the present moment, honoring the past, and for looking forward.

What happy side effect have you noticed from following along?

My Response: For me, the challenge was in showing up consistently for myself. The happiest side effect of sticking with the challenge was reconnecting with some future plans and dreams. Hope for where I’m heading and respect for where I’ve been. 💙

Thank you for following along!